Messengers of Reconciliation

"Into this beautiful land, God has called us to bring a message of grace, forgiveness and hope to those whose lives were rocked by war. He has called us to plant our lives here and live among a people who don’t know Jesus." A testimony from the Balkans.
"Growing up, we were inspired by stories of missionaries in the 18th and 19th centuries, but we don’t remember hearing of them coming to the western Balkans where we now serve. Our corner of Europe has been part of an ‘East-meets-West’ tug-of-war for a long time – part of Europe, but heavily influenced by the eastern powers that ruled for centuries.
We see the influence of those days in many areas, from daily life and food to religious affiliations and societal values. While seeking to hold on to cultural traditions, many people are drawn to a western dream that is marked by materialism and secular living. This is also a place where there has been very little visible, vibrant Gospel witness for centuries, a place where the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century didn’t reach, and where Communism was king for much of 20th century. This was followed by a vicious war whose legacy lives on 25 years later.
Into this beautiful land, God has called us to bring a message of grace, forgiveness and hope to those whose lives were rocked by war, whose aspirations are often built on temporal things, and whose values are bound up in religious teachings from the middle east. He has called us to plant our lives here and live among a people who don’t know Jesus. Our prayer is to see God’s kingdom established in the hearts of individuals and families, bringing reconciliation and peace to their communities and glory to God through their lives."
- The Avila's, ECMers serving in the Balkans
Archive > 2024
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