group people



ECM believes that through planting and developing churches which evangelise and disciple the people of Europe, we will see the continent transformed in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • ECM plants churches in places in Europe where the gospel is rarely or no longer heard.
  • ECM strives towards churches that become self-supporting and independent of mission agencies, and looks for future leaders who can be developed.
  • ECM sees every church as a visible witness of the gospel in society and therefore encourages the members to be actively involved.
  • ECM gives priority to the spiritual growth of the believers in the church through teaching, training and equipping with resources.
  • ECM aims to encourage relevant expressions of church in each location as well as partnering across denominational barriers.
  • ECM works with the local church in each country and where possible with other mission agencies and organisations

In the last 10 years, ECM has been involved in 158 church planting projects. ECM is currently working in over 90 projects.

Please pray with us that many new churches will grow into strong communities of love that can share Christ where they live and work.




ECM believes that mission consists of more than just words. Through words and deeds we can boldly demonstrate the message of the gospel in local and wider contexts.

ECM works in many locations showing love through social action projects and compassion ministries, such us:

  • helping people who live in extreme poverty
  • youth projects which take young people off the streets
  • supporting sex-traffic victims
  • serving refugees and displayed people across Europe

If you'd like to help these projects continue please consider joining us through giving or prayer.




ECM is an international, interdenominational network with different backgrounds and functions but the same passion: to see Europe change.

ECM’s network includes:

  • Workers: Full-time or part-time people working cross-culturally in Europe
  • National workers: Local partners ministering in their own nations 
  • Enablers: Coaches, mentors, trainers and pastors who provide support, advice and reflection to enable the spiritual health, personal growth and effectiveness of everyone in ECM
  • Volunteers: ECM supporters who give their time for short-term projects, fundraising and many administrative tasks.

But ECM can’t do it alone! We actively look to partner with others. Through strategic partnerships with local churches and mission organisations, our ability to influence and impact Europe with the gospel is multiplied.



We love to work in partnerships with others, uniting our efforts to reach Europe for Jesus. 
We are thankful for our partners and the work they do.

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