READ our stories about what is going on across Europe,
PRAY for the projects and the workers involved!

Jesus in a Jazz Club

Copy of Where We Work pictures small (1).pngJune - 03 - 2024 20:12 Well, the album is out on Spotify and the launch concert was a wonderful success. Thank you so much for your investment into this project. I am so encouraged that as missionaries in Berlin, God is giving us opportunities to go into the world's spaces to bring the gospel, to be his representatives. full story

A place of rest... and salvation

News Stories (1).pngMay - 16 - 2024 10:32 Six years ago, Karina and Mauricio Aldana and Carolynn and James Webb arrived in the Basque Country, Spain with the hope of planting a church, when the mayor made a quick remark about the possibility of a small guest house for Camino pilgrims. The idea stuck with them, the desire for such a ministry deepened, and the doors kept opening. Fast forward to 2024, and you will find a small church plant and a fully furnished guest house with space for 12, having welcomed its first pilgrims. full story

ECM's ministry continues to grow

Statistics.jpgApril - 16 - 2024 09:22 Your faithful prayers and gifts have made this possible. Thank you! full story

Ukraine: training and caring for volunteers

20240412_192205_0000.pngApril - 12 - 2024 19:16 Volunteers, all faithful servants, combined rest and enjoyed nature, morning worship and participation in the workshops "The Art of Communication", taught by Stanislav. full story

Can a church multiply quickly in the UK?

Pete Benest.jpgApril - 09 - 2024 10:30 Pete Benest shares an exciting journey that has resulted in interactions with more than 250 people in Shepshed. full story

Multiplying young leaders in Slovenia

Sarah Deacon.jpgApril - 02 - 2024 09:32 Read how Sarah Deacon is helping teenagers to transition from being in the youth group to becoming young leaders. full story

Multipliable Mission Teams

News Stories (3).pngFebruary - 06 - 2024 14:58 It’s almost impossible for either Samantha or myself to tell our testimonies, let alone how we felt called into full time missions, without mentioning the impact of short-term missions. full story

Connecting short-term to long-term

sonja-langford-eIkbSc3SDtI-unsplash.jpgJanuary - 23 - 2024 11:00 Gary Stoll explains how a short-term trip to Romania changed his life. full story

God calls the available

News Stories (2).pngJanuary - 18 - 2024 13:41 "A short-term mission is a wonderful opportunity to serve God and others, along side the exploration and discovering of your gifts. Jesus doesn’t need you to be qualified, but to be available and trust in Him." full story

The gospel through music: our project advances!

News Stories (2).pngJanuary - 10 - 2024 11:03 We have nearly finished the recording stage, and we are already seeing how, even during the creation process, the music is awakening people to the truth of God here in Berlin. full story

This 2024, Connect to your Calling

News Stories (1).pngJanuary - 04 - 2024 10:38 Is God speaking to you about serving in Europe? If so, we’d love to talk! full story

Happy New Year from ECM!

Happy New Year 2023 SM.jpgDecember - 31 - 2023 23:30 We want people to begin 2024 with hope and joy. And those are to be found in Jesus. full story

Connecting with the Global Church

Croatia.jpgDecember - 19 - 2023 10:15 What does it mean for Stephen and Tabita Bell to connect with the people around them in Croatia and in...Brazil? full story

Connecting across Europe

Connecting in Kosovo.jpgDecember - 12 - 2023 10:00 Mia Bentley, a recent short-termer, shares her wonderful experience during her time in Kosovo. full story

Christian or Kingdom?

Christian or Kingdom?.jpgNovember - 28 - 2023 00:39 At an International Spiritual Retreat, I once spoke on the topic, ‘I am a Christian but I don’t believe in Christianity’. | Daniel full story

Why Pray for Mission? | Sam Boog

Why pray for mission?.jpgNovember - 20 - 2023 04:20 Sam Boog examines the importance of taking time out to pray for missionaries. full story

New book dealing with rest and recovery

Recovering Life book cover.jpgNovember - 14 - 2023 09:55 Recovering Life. With this evocative title, Irish ECMer Colin Holmes invites us to join a life-giving journey of rest and recovery. full story

Christian leaders gather from across Europe

398986434_10159982363180814_5590216012860464698_n.jpgNovember - 08 - 2023 12:59 The Lausanne Europe National Movement Gathering, Budapest Hungary, 2-5 Nov 2023 brought together 35 national teams. full story