Romanian ECMers make the New Testament accessible in their own native language

The team has already succeeded in translating, publishing and printing Matthew, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, James, 1,2,3 John and Revelation and more.
One of the needs ECM workers in Romania have identified is the need for theological and Bible study materials in the Romanian language for pastors, seminary students and those involved in ministry. They have since worked to meet that need and so this 10-year project was born, to make the whole 20 volume NT commentary series available in Romanian.
Tavi Verlan and his team at New Hope have already succeeded in translating, publishing and printing more than Matthew, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, James, 1,2,3 John and Revelation. Mission leaders, preachers and seminary lecturers are giving this work amazing reviews.
Tavi said, 'The feedback is awesome'. He and colleagues have also been inspired in their own preaching and the Word of God is spreading in this exciting phase of mission.
New Hope Romania is located in the city of Timisoara. This is New Hope’s oldest office. The ministry is led by Tavi Verlan, who has been working with New Hope for two decades. The Timisoara team focuses primarily on publishing for Christian leadership development—making relevant publications available in the Romanian language. The books are widely known and appreciated by pastors and youth pastors, as well as the general Christian population. They also publish a widely popular four-year Sunday school curriculum that makes use of flannelgraph figures. The Timisoara publishing effort is large and effective in equipping and empowering the church of Romania.
Find out more here about Tavi and Jeni Verlan
Archive > 2024
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