God calls the available

"A short-term mission is a wonderful opportunity to serve God and others, along side the exploration and discovering of your gifts. Jesus doesn’t need you to be qualified, but to be available and trust in Him."
"Hi my name is Elita, I’m 23 Years old from England. I was officially made redundant from my job in retail during April 2023. After this, God kept telling me to be patient and trust in His timing. Where others would question the reason as to why “I’ve not got a job yet”, I knew He had another plan. This is when Jesus led me to a 3 week mission trip to Calvary Church in Claremorris, Ireland (November to December 2023).
I absolutely loved it and hope to return again someday!
The people there were incredibly encouraging, warm and welcoming into their community, treating me like their family. I had the opportunity to interact with many people of different nationalities, e.g. Brazilian, Bolivian, South African, Ukrainian. It was a great reminder that no matter where we are from, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
During my stay I was able to help and get involved in a variety of ways including:
- The Youth and kids clubs
- Attend their weekly Bible study
- As a church we sang Christmas carols in a nursing home
- Meet up with people for tea/coffee
- Help prepare and attend a women’s craft evening
- Explore some of the local area and towns
- Post Christmas leaflets through peoples doors
- Help prepare the Calvary church stand at a Christmas fair
A short-term mission is a wonderful opportunity to serve God and others, along side the exploration and discovering of your gifts. Jesus doesn’t need you to be qualified, but to be available and trust in Him."
Stories from Europe > 2024
- 12/17/2024 12/17/24, 10:05 AM - Meet our newest missionaries in Portugal!
- 12/10/2024 12/10/24, 12:36 PM - Portugal, Our Mission Field
- 12/3/2024 12/3/24, 11:51 AM - Disability Ministries Network
- 11/27/2024 11/27/24, 11:00 AM - "Small Towns Like These"
- 11/20/2024 11/20/24, 11:48 AM - Why Send to Europe?
- 11/13/2024 11/13/24, 12:57 PM - Messengers of Reconciliation
- 11/6/2024 11/6/24, 1:27 PM - "My Call to Europe"
- 10/30/2024 10/30/24, 1:07 PM - Why I Pray for Europe
- 10/23/2024 10/23/24, 12:59 PM - Slovenia, 0,1% of Evangelicals
- 10/16/2024 10/16/24, 12:14 PM - Why is Europe Important?
- 10/9/2024 10/9/24, 11:53 AM - More than Brick and Mortar
- 10/1/2024 10/1/24, 12:29 PM - 'In Europe everything will be fine'
- 9/25/2024 9/25/24, 1:25 PM - Learning the Language
- 9/20/2024 9/20/24, 11:45 AM - Fruits from Our Labour
- 9/16/2024 9/16/24, 1:03 PM - Starting the Missionary Journey
- 9/10/2024 9/10/24, 11:55 AM - One Month in Greece
- 9/4/2024 9/4/24, 1:42 PM - Creating Memories
- 8/26/2024 8/26/24, 11:16 AM - Believing and Belonging
- 8/13/2024 8/13/24, 10:30 AM - God was at work at the Paris Olympics!
- 7/23/2024 7/23/24, 12:01 PM - 110 campers heard the gospel this month!
- 7/23/2024 7/23/24, 10:17 AM - Romanian ECMers make the New Testament accessible in their own native language
- 7/17/2024 7/17/24, 12:42 PM - Planting Refuge and Hope
- 7/5/2024 7/5/24, 12:34 PM - The Blessings of Summer Camp
- 6/20/2024 6/20/24, 2:03 PM - Talking about Jesus (without being THAT guy)
- 6/3/2024 6/3/24, 8:12 PM - Jesus in a Jazz Club
- 5/21/2024 5/21/24, 10:13 AM - Living out multiplication today!
- 5/16/2024 5/16/24, 10:32 AM - A place of rest... and salvation
- 4/16/2024 4/16/24, 9:22 AM - ECM's ministry continues to grow
- 4/12/2024 4/12/24, 7:16 PM - Ukraine: training and caring for volunteers
- 4/9/2024 4/9/24, 10:30 AM - Can a church multiply quickly in the UK?
- 4/2/2024 4/2/24, 9:32 AM - Multiplying young leaders in Slovenia
- 3/29/2024 3/29/24, 10:20 AM - On this solemn day...
- 3/5/2024 3/5/24, 2:48 PM - Come help us reach Muslims in Berlin!
- 2/28/2024 2/28/24, 10:00 AM - Portuguese university students being transformed by the gospel
- 2/20/2024 2/20/24, 10:43 AM - Why Europe?
- 2/6/2024 2/6/24, 2:58 PM - Multipliable Mission Teams