This 2024, Connect to your Calling

Is God speaking to you about serving in Europe? If so, we’d love to talk!
'Connecting’ is a key thing we do in ECM. We love to come alongside people who are exploring whether God wants them to serve in Europe.
Christine Memory, a long-term ECM missionary who handles enquiries at the ECM British office, explains: “In arranging short-term placements for people, I often see myself as a matchmaker. I help make connections between those enquiring and the opportunities we have”.
This is also what we do with longer term enquiries as we begin a conversation to help them discern where God is wanting them to serve and what He is asking them to do. Most people have no idea of the breadth of opportunity or places in Europe where someone could come and serve within ECM. Our mobilisation offices across the world are there to help you discover them.
Sometimes people already know where they want to go and what they want to do, while others are open to options. Our office personnel is very aware of the countries we work in and the ministries available and can point you in the right direction.
Mia and Steve Bentley (you can read their story here, page 11) initially contacted ECM Britain about a short-term visit to Spain or Portugal. But our personnel felt that they could be useful in Kosovo, a country that they had not even considered. You can see that they had a great time, and the ECM couple who they visited were so encouraged to have them there.
If you are ready to explore whether God wants you to serve in Europe, please contact your closest Mobilisation Office, or contact us about it. Find out more about short or long term service here.
Read encouraging stories about God at work in Europe here.
Archive > 2024
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