24th February 2022 is a date Ukrainians cannot forget. That day, war entered into their country and into their lives. Since then, they have faced danger, fear, and physical suffering, such as cold, hunger, or a lack of shelter.

As ECM, we have been working since the beginning to support them in this crisis. During the first year, we were able to help Ukrainian refugees scattered throughout Europe and, with our team in Ukraine, we started to develop relief projects in Lviv and Irpin. We could not have done that without God’s provision and guidance, and without your generosity. Thank you for helping Ukraine in their time of need.

Now, our efforts are focused on supporting the locals as they serve a nation in crisis, rebuild and restore their cities and lives, and preach Jesus in words and deeds to a people in pain.

In the Irpin area, our partners started volunteer centres in six towns to help hundreds in need with food, clothes, electricity, and most importantly, the Good News of Jesus. From the start, the vision was that those centres would become church plants, and today, that is no longer a vision, but a reality. We have seen them grow, baptising over 50 people and developing leaders. Now, the new church in Hostomel already needs a bigger building… God is at work in Ukraine!

We continue supporting three of these church plants as they grow and serve others, as well as our team in Lviv, where our ECM workers have helped hundreds of refugees fleeing the war. Our support is not only financial, but we also hold a weekly prayer meeting for Ukraine, and ECM leaders regularly visit the team in Ukraine to comfort and encourage them. Read here the report from our last visit.

Please donate to help Ukraine as they rebuild their country and their lives.


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: If you would like to make your gift by Bank Transfer, follow this link for more details of how to do that.

*Please note that we endeavour to pass on as much of your gift as possible (minimum 95%) to the ministry in Ukraine and retain only a small portion of it to cover our administration costs and banking charges.


*Warning: the videos may contain graphic images

In the following videos and news articles you can see some of the work that we have done, with your help, in Ukraine. From building houses to giving daily bread for over a year, from summer camps for kids to helping refugees across Europe. You can also see a window into their lives, as you read some of their stories.




News from Ukraine

News Stories.png David James, our Operations Director, recently visited with Linda James and Rosaliene Donaldson the team in Ukraine, to encourage and support them as they minister to many people in need. Signs of growth and hope shined amid the ruins of the war. God is working in Ukraine! full story

The Irpin church: a testimony of love and service

News Stories.png A journalist from the Guardian newspaper reports the work of the Irpin church during the work. We praise God for the good testimony of this church during the war. "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18) full story

Angry and Grateful

News Stories (1).png Viktoria in Ukraine on 12 Months of War. "God can handle all my emotions", says Viktoria Haviley, who reveals the personal and public impact of continued conflict. Listen to her interview or read the highlights here. full story

Living through the war

News Stories.png "There is no sense in asking about the reasons for the war or doubting the goodness and justness of God as we can see and testify to God's love and faithfulness every day, despite the curfews and air raid sirens going off almost every day in the safer places like where we live, and nearly all day long in the eastern parts of Ukraine." full story

They were living in a 15m2 hut...

News Stories.png Artur and his family were miraculously saved when a missile fell into the basement they were taking refuge in, but did not explode. However, the next one brought their house to ruins. They had to spend many cold months living in a 15m2 hut, but thanks to God and to your donations, they have a house now. full story

The war has torn down many houses, we are building them up.

News Stories.png Watch this beautiful video that shows David James' visit to the housing project. Thousands have lost their home in the war, and many of them are Christians in need. Now, we are building houses for them in partnership with the Irpin church. Hear their stories! full story

Visiting the work in Ukraine

News Stories.png "It is just incredible what the church is doing here [in Ukraine], how much they are doing every single day, and it is making a real difference. People are coming, they are interested in the Word of God, and people are responding to God’s love." full story

Iryna’s Christmas Party for Her Community in Western Ukraine

News Stories (1).png The Australian radio ministry Hope 103.2 interviewed Iryna, one of our Ukrainian ECMers, who shared what Christmas looks like for a Christian worker serving in a country in war. She invites us to witness what life's like in Lviv and how Christmas this year still will be a celebration of joy and hope. full story

A New Hope for Ukraine

News Stories.png "Behind the plundered lands and shops, ruined homes, schools, and hospitals are the lives of people who lost so much. But not hope. We are ready to help with everything we can to keep that hope alive.
I know we are not alone because each of you is praying, supporting, and caring. I know we are not alone because of Emanuel – God is with us." full story

Volunteer Centres: showing Christ's love

News Stories (2).png Our partners in Ukraine have set up volunteer centres in six towns. There, people can go to receive food, clothes, prayer and the Good News of Jesus. Can you help us help them? full story

Houses for Ukraine

News Stories (3).png The battle of Irpin killed over 300 people, and thousands saw how their home, with everything in it, turned to ruins under the bombs. Now, we're helping them build new ones. full story

Caring for Ukrainians in Croatia

News Stories.png That week, I found myseld practising very much the virtue of listening. I wish you could listen the heartbreaking stories of Ukrainian refugees and, at the same time, the wonderful testimonies of God’s love, protection and provision. full story

God is good at all times

Ukraine Prayer Alert (news) "We could feel people were praying for us, because most of us felt peace inside of situation. All of us are doing ok, nobody is in panic but the uncertainty is back. Thank you for your prayers and care. God is good at all times." full story

Standing Together with Ukraine

News Stories.png This Autumn, ECM is organising a Ukraine UK tour. ECM Ukrainian workers Kostya and Viktoria will be visiting several churches in the UK to share their experience of serving God during the war. Come, be informed, be inspired. full story

Summer Day Camp for kids in Lviv, Ukraine

unnamed (56).jpg This year, the idea to do the Summer Day Camp for kids was challenging and bold at the same time. Only four days after it was advertised, 90% of the 60 spots for the camp were filled. 80% of the children were from unchurched families. full story

News from Ukraine

unnamed (53).jpg Every time we realize that life can stop. Abruptly. Every time we hear the alarm going off, we pray fervently and thank God when it stops. We aren't to waste our time but take a chance to share God's love and the Good News of Jesus. full story

The story of Evgen & Diana

Stories from Ukraine Evgen & Diana, with their toddler Benjamin, come from the eastern part of Ukraine, the Donetsk region. They saw their lives disrupted as the war arrived at their doorstep. full story

The ministry of ECMers in Lviv, Ukraine

24.jpg Our field leader in Ukraine and his wife have created this video report showing and sharing with us the ministry of the ECM team and the church in Lviv, Ukraine. Don't miss it! full story

"Our children and teenagers haven’t had so much laughter and fun since we left our homes in Ukraine"

wesley-tingey-dKCKiC0BQtU-unsplash.jpg Many Ukrainian mothers and grandmas came to our team after the outreach, and they had tears in their eyes, as they were trying to articulate their appreciation and gratitude. full story

Bringing hope to where it's needed the most

ronak-valobobhai-4qHWTuP_RLw-unsplash.jpg Despite all the challenges, we all returned to Lviv, hopeful and encouraged by what we had seen, by observing the life coming back to the ruined city, ministry of our colleague workers, and partner churches. They continue to serve and bring hope to where it's needed the most. full story

Life in Ukraine

Irpin bridge 3.JPG "This is the reality of our life in Ukraine today. Every numeral above is someone's life and a reason for us to thank every person, every church, and organization that remembers us and continues to pray and support our team, ministry, and nation." full story

With small acts of love

Alen Kercmar - Slovenia.jpeg Alen and Lila Kercmar, ECMers in Slovenia, share with us how they and their church have been ministering to Ukrainians. Indeed, even the small acts of love are powerful in God's hands. full story

"The worst and the best of humanity"

9.jpg "Home for three days now and people ask me, how I am doing. There is no simple answer. Such a mixture of memories, emotions and thoughts. Ultimately, I'm sitting at home; in safety. All of those people I met do not have even that. As I write, the app on my phone pings again to tell me there is another air raid warning in Lviv." full story

Tanya's Story

Ukraine When this financial burden was taken off Tanya's shoulders, she cried out of gratitude. And her expression of thankfulness is something that will stay with me forever. So, on behalf of Tanya, I would like to say, with your contribution you did something amazing. full story

From Kiev to Zagrev

222.png When we moved from Kiev to Zagreb 6 years ago, we had no idea what an adventure it would be. These last months I am involved in ministry to the Ukrainian refugees. Let me share two stories… full story

A minibus for Lviv

unnamed (67).jpg Back in March, our field leader in Ukraine talked to us about one of their main needs on the ground: to have a minibus to transport goods and refugees through the country and across the border. Read some of the stories the minibus has already written! full story

"There is no way we can get used to the War..."

unnamed (58).jpg "It's been more than two weeks since we sent out our last update—a long time for some, a short one for us. What I was afraid of the most is to get used to this new reality..." Our field leader in Ukraine shares about the last attacks in Lviv and the effects of the war. full story

A return to Irpin

Back to Irpin As you may remember, ECM has an associate in Ukraine that had to flee Irpin when the attacks on the city made it impossible to stay. We are grateful to report that S., a pastor and church planter, has been able to return to his home in Irpin. Read here what's happened upon his return. full story

The job is too big for one alone...

masons-work-14075229.jpg A sprint, marathon or relay?
In Nehemiah we read that the wall around Jerusalem was rebuilt because different clans and families worked side by side on different sections of the wall...
An illustration of the aid to Ukraine and its refugees. The video below draws this picture for us in more detail. full story

A journey into Ukraine: what does it look like?

bus Ukraine.png Watch this video and let us take you on a trip to Ukraine. Our Slovakian partners cross the border every week with a bus filled with tons of supplies. Take a look at their journey. full story

Shining light into the darkness

4.png Even in the darkest days, ECM workers, along with many Christians in the country, keep working to share the light of Jesus. Read the last update we received from one of the ECM churches hosting and serving refugees in western Ukraine. full story

"The aid was a significant relief for our teams..."

IMG_4469.jpg A week ago, an ECM bus with supplies came into Ukraine. Read the words of our workers there as they received the goods we sent with your help. full story

Serving the children in the war

unnamed (34).jpg 🧡 Read here an update from an ECMer in Ukraine. She has a heart for children and, in the midst of the war, she keeps working to take the gospel and a message of hope to the little ones. full story

Through your prayers...

News 22 Mar.jpg Update from a Ukrainian ECM worker: "22nd day of the war is over. One day closer to our victory. One day closer to having back our ordinary lives." full story

Praise God for his provision!

IMG_4599.jpg Read the Story of how we have seen God at work these last weeks, providing and making a way for us to be able to bring supplies into Ukraine. full story

On the ground in Ukraine

Ukraine flag.jpg What does it feel like to be a Christian worker in Ukraine at the present time? full story

ECM Update on the Ukraine Crisis

ECM Update Ukraine Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine this morning, we want to update you about the situation of our ECM workers there and the situation on the field. Read or download the last update about the Ukraine crisis here. full story




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