More than Brick and Mortar

News Stories (15).pngmiércoles 09 octubre 2024 11:53

What is a church actually? Calvary Church in Claremorris, Ireland, is in the middle of a major building project, but they have not lost sight of what it actually means to be a church.

One member said,

“Church means the body of Christ.... It means we are able to join together on a Sunday morning…to be in His presence. Hear His truth…to encourage one another. To be able to come together on a Wednesday evening Bible study to seek the Lord in his Word and know you can always find him there. To give thanks and praise…I find the church to be an oasis of care with peace and love in a fallen world. That’s what the church means to me.”

The church has been in the process of finding a new building to meet in as the congregation grows. They have found an ideal location, and got permission to change the intended use of the property. Then the fundraising followed. In September, thanks to God's provision and the generosity of many supporters, they were able to start the process to buy the building. Praise God! What now remains is finilising the buying and then the necessary renovations will start, for which they are still raising funds. God has already provided much of what they need, and they look forward to seeing how God will provide the rest.

Indeed, the church is not the building itself, but the people. Having this building to meet in will help the church’s service to the community grow. The church members have already become a second family to many. Hopefully Calvary Church will soon become a home for many more!

You can read more about the project and the story of Calvary Church here

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