Multiplying young leaders in Slovenia

Sarah Deacon.jpgmartes 02 abril 2024 09:32

Read how Sarah Deacon is helping teenagers to transition from being in the youth group to becoming young leaders.

In November we started a new monthly group for some of the older teenagers and young adults in the church. After speaking with a friend who works with students, we recognised the need to help the teenagers transition from being in the youth group to becoming young leaders. The expectation is that if these young people are believers, they will lead and serve in some way. The group has two main aims. Firstly, to be a space where they can ask and discuss questions they are struggling with. We have had good discussions on the sovereignty of God, predestination and the role of the Holy Spirit.

Secondly, we want to give them tools to be able to read and understand the Bible for themselves, with the hope that they will then be able to share this with other people. Too often in Slovenia people are taught to believe what they’re told without thinking about it critically. We want these young people to grow in their relationships with God, based on their own personal faith, not just because it’s what they’ve been taught but because they can see the truth in the Bible for themselves.

We have five young people who are enthusiastically committed to the group. My prayer is that they will learn, grow and mature so that in the future, God would use them to multiply His church.

Find out more here about Sarah's work in Slovenia

To read this and other stories in our latest magazine - click here Spring Magazine 2024

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