ECM Prayer Days in Spain

News Stories.png PRAYER DAYS DÍAS DE ORACIÓNmartes 25 octubre 2022 14:03

ECM workers in Spain got together for three days of prayer, fellowship, mutual encouragement, fun and, of course, food and coffee. The Prayer Days included a visit to a prospective ECM ministry in the Camino de Santiago in Vizcaya.

Covid had prevented the Spanish field to gather in the last years, so this opportunity was received with much joy and enthusiasm. The gathering took place in the Basque Country, in a natural environment surrounded by trees, mountains and shades of green all over, from the 19th to the 22nd of October. 

Much time was given to praying together, but also to get to know each other better, encouraging one another in both the Christian life and the missionary ministry. There was time to listen to the Word of God, and to worship the Lord together. The children and the teenagers had special programmes prepared for them, thanks to the wonderful ECM volunteers. 

There was also an opportunity to visit Zalla and Gueñes, an area where two ECM families are planting a church and praying for an evangelistic opportunity to minister to pilgrims walking the Camino de Santiago in the area. The visit included a time of prayer for that opportunity and a nice walk in the actual Camino.

One of the main values of ECM is TOGETHER. We know we cannot do the ministry alone, and that is why opportunities like this one are special moments for us as a mission.

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