Life in Ukraine

Irpin bridge 3.JPGsábado 11 junio 2022 11:09

"This is the reality of our life in Ukraine today. Every numeral above is someone's life and a reason for us to thank every person, every church, and organization that remembers us and continues to pray and support our team, ministry, and nation."

Read below as our field leader in Ukraine shares with us a reflection on life in Ukraine since the war.

"It has been 106 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 106 days of horror. 106 days of perseverance. A hundred and six days of a completely different life for all of us.

Russians have occupied about 20% of the territory of Ukraine since the war started. For you to compare, it's like the territories of countries like Luxemburg, Belgium, and Netherland would have been taken over together. 2 478 missiles they sent to Ukraine mostly hit the civilian infrastructure.

According to authorities, over 1123 schools, 621 kindergartens, 643 hospitals, 23 800 km of roads, and 300 bridges have been destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and have nowhere to return. 4149 Ukrainian civilians were killed, including 267 children, and more than 460 children were injured.

6,8 million people left Ukraine to escape danger. Another 2.5 million are internally displaced people. Every day from 60 to 100 soldiers - defenders of Ukraine - died at the front line.

This is the reality of our life in Ukraine today. Every numeral above is someone's life and a reason for us to thank every person, every church, and organization that remembers us and continues to pray and support our team, ministry, and nation."

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