Kimber Bowers
God, what do you see? What do you hear? What do you understand?

Perhaps you are reading this biography because you want to know more about what God is doing in His church in Europe. May God teach us.
Kimber is amazed that God calls people like her to know Him and His will so she can be sent out to represent Him. She is a new member of the ECMI-USA board and has a lot to learn.
Her current work includes: Homemaker; Member of two prayer teams at Hands of Hope (a pregnancy care center); Facilitator of a Neighborhood Bible Study; Facilitator of practicing God’s presence with 4th/5th graders at her local church; Student of Biblical Hebrew, French, Spanish.
Her hobbies include: hospitality, reading, Pilates, nutrition, gardening, photography.
Her formal education includes public school and a BS degree in Management from Oral Roberts University with a minor in French.
Her first paycheck came from her parents who owned an independent grocery store on an Indian reservation. After college, she did administrative work at two companies that don’t exist anymore. She hasn’t been paid for her work since raising five children who all have names that start with the letter “K”.
She is happily married to her husband of 34 years who perseveres with faithfulness, especially when she is a mystery and has yet another idea to share.