Jim & Christine Memory
We want to help to raise up a new generation of leaders for mission in Europe, both within ECM and beyond, through our roles in mission leadership, mobilisation in the UK, and through influencing leaders at conferences and events. We want to encourage ministry collaboration across Europe and catalyse church planting and innovation in mission that the Gospel might be known across this continent which we love so much.

Jim and Christine Memory have been missionaries with ECM since 1994, have three grown up children and have started on the grandparenting journey. For fourteen years they were church planting in a small town of 14,000 people in the south of the province of Córdoba, Spain. In 2008 they returned to the UK for eight years to work at Redcliffe Bible College in Gloucester in teaching, mission research, housekeeping, and volunteer coordination, as well as starting to take on some leadership roles within ECM. They went back to Spain in February 2017 and for 6 years were working with bible colleges in both Spain and the UK, carrying out their various ECM leadership and administration roles, slowly getting more involved in the Lausanne movement, as well as supporting a small local church. Since late 2022 they have been based back in the UK.
Jim is the Director of International Partnerships for ECMI and is part of the International Directors Team. This overlaps very well with his role as Co-Regional Director for Lausanne Europe. Jim is passionate about collaboration in mission and both roles enable him to influence others to work together in the evangelisation of Europe. He is also a lecturer and regular conference speaker on mission in Europe and his Europe 2021 Missiological Report has been widely distributed and is now available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian and Slovak!
Christine works part time for ECM Britain as HR Assistant dealing with enquiries, short termers, and other admin roles. She is also part of the ECM Biennial Planning Committee helping to organise the mission-wide conference for over 500 people every two years. She also covers various PA, travel agency, bookkeeping, and administrative roles for ECM, Lausanne and Jim.