Szczepan & Kamila Cackowski
We want to see our Christian community on fire for Jesus and passionate for people. We long to see our cities transformed by the gospel, and our local governments act in line with the teachings of Jesus.

Szczepan and Kamila, have three sons, Noah, Aaron and Samuel. The family are a part of a wider team of Proem Ministries, a vibrant outreach community in central Poland, that currently works in 4 locations. Their work revolves mainly around church planting in Piotrków Trybunalski, however, their family also helps in the Tomaszów church and is involved in running camps between the end of June and middle of August. Additional activities include worship concerts in catholic churches, Christmas and Easter gospel projects that annually gather over 12 000 people. One of their passions is basketball, which they use to serve kids and their parents. They are also involved in a number of different outreach events.
God has been teaching us a lot about Himself and His love. The journey has not been easy but it has been a testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness. We have been privileged to have been a part of the ECM's family for over 16 years. We are looking forward to what else God has in store for as and we believe the best is still ahead of us.
We welcome anyone who whants to join our partners' team, by praying for us, supporting us financially and coming to work alongside us during short term mission trips, or longer commitments. To do any of the above, do not hesitate to contact us.
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