ECM Netherlands
Address : Enkdwarsstraat 2, 7413 TV Deventer
Postbox : Postbus 861, 7400 AW Deventer
Telephone : +31 (0) 570-637537
Email :
Website :
The ECM office in the Netherlands works with a dedicated team of office staff, board members and volunteers to recruit, commission and support missionaries. In addition, the office mobilises Christians in the Netherlands to help to build a different Europe, through prayer and financial support.
Office team
The office team is responsible for the daily ins and outs of ECM Netherlands. This includes recruiting and coaching (candidate) missionaries and administration, communication and facilitation support.
The board of ECM Netherlands exists of a few competent and committed people from diverse backgrounds. They supervise the ins and outs of the office team.
Warren Bakker
Financial Administrator in ECM Netherlands -
Marc van Eijden
Board Member in ECM France -
Erik van 't Ende
Board member in ECM Netherlands -
Dirk-Bart en Marja Houweling
Facilitation Manager for ECM Netherlands -
Nelleke de Korte-Ebbers
Office member -
Corma Manuhutu
Secretary in ECM Netherlands -
Theodoor Meedendorp
Councelmember -
Anne Mulder
Board Member in ECM Netherlands -
Claudia Vink
Trustee (International and Netherlands) -
Bep Welleweerd-van Eck
Volunteer -
Peter Wierenga
Director ECM Netherlands -
Kees van der Wilden
HRM Netherlands
Jan & Elisabeth Anema
Cross Culture Workers in Portugal -
Jeroen & Marieke Baks
Cross Culture Workers in Romania -
Frederik & Eline Boersema
First Culture Workers in the Netherlands -
Albert-Jan & Jacqueline Cloo
First Culture Workers in the Netherlands -
Bauke & Evie Deelstra
Cross Culture Workers in Albania -
Gerrit & Jorine van Dijk
Cross Culture Workers in Germany -
Tjerk & Anneke van Dijk
First Culture Workers in the Netherlands -
Johan Ebbers
Candidate to the Netherlands -
Jody & Marc van Eijden
Cross Cultural Workers in France -
Michiel & Ismilinda Epema
Cross Cultural Workers in the Netherlands -
Sebastian & Glorija Forjan
First Culture Workers in Slovenia -
Ishak & Christine Ghatas
Cross Cultural Workers -
Wilfred (Guillermo) & Marisa Kampjes
Cross Cultural Workers in Spain -
Henk (Kike) & Hanneke (Johanna) Knol
Cross Cultural Workers in Spain -
Christiaan & Kseniya Kooiman
Cross Cultural Workers in Germany -
Matthijs & Simone Laan
First Culture Workers in the Netherlands -
Edward & Trix Landman
Missionaries to the Netherlands -
Kees Postma
First Culture Worker in the Netherlands -
Klaas & Eline Rozema
Cross Cultural Workers in Austria -
Bert & Jenny de Ruiter
Consultant Relationships Muslims and Christians -
Anke van der Sluijs
Cross Cultural Worker in France -
Roland & Carolien Smith
Cross Cultural Workers in the Netherlands -
Gerard & Gerdine Willemsen
Cross Cultural Workers in Sweden -
Gerard & Janneke de Wit
Cross Cultural Workers in Germany -
Andrej & Lydia Zelenjak
First Culture Workers in Slovenia
BEZ - Belgische Evangelische Zending
DMG Interpersonal
GZB - Gereformeerde Zendingsbond
De Verre Naasten
France Mission
AE - Alianz Ewangeliczny Poland
BEG - Bund Evangelikaler Gemeinden in Östenreich
El Buen Samaritano
FEEBF - Fédération des Eglises Evangéliques Baptistes de France
FEG(N) Deutschland - Freie Evangelische Gemeinden in (Nord) Deutschland
FIEIDE - Federación de Iglesias Evangélicas Independientes de España
Liebenzeller Mission
Equmeniakyrkan (Uniting Church in Sweden)