Connecting across Europe

Connecting in Kosovo.jpg

Mia Bentley, a recent short-termer, shares her wonderful experience during her time in Kosovo.

"After finding ourselves with some available time, my Dad and I knew that we wanted to fill it by going out to another European country to help with a project or ministry. Through ECM we were introduced to Dan and Primrose, missionaries in Kamenica, Kosovo, and after various zoom calls and forms, we went out to join them for three weeks."

Some of her highlights while spending time in Kosovo were: learning about the culture and the language; teaching English to teens; hosting a sports event as well as her father helping Dan with his work supporting a group of men in the town who have disabilities and learning difficulties who meet twice weekly to play sport, games and drink coffee.

"In a place where engaging with people about Christianity can take a lot of time and personal investment, and where opportunities can be few, it was a privilege to see how the Avilas live for Jesus in that place."

"After going on short-term mission to Kosovo, seeing another culture, speaking a different language, and experiencing another way of life, we have both grown as people spiritually and mentally. We learned so much in such a short time: about ourselves and the place, about mission, and most importantly, about the Lord and all His goodness."

"Kosovo will definitely have a special place in my heart and I fully intend to head back there very soon! I can’t recommend short-term mission enough, and we are both so thankful that we had ECM to help with everything and pray for us whilst we were out there. We continue to pray for their work as they share the love of Christ all over Europe."

To read the full story please click here ECM Life Magaizne

To find out more about short-term mission with us please click here

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