The first step of many

Shane in Portugal 2022

"I would recommend that anyone who is interested in cross-cultural mission avail themselves of a short term opportunity like this, simply to get your bearings on what life and mission is like elsewhere."

I arrived in Portugal in July 2021, so as I write this I have been here almost a year. My connection with Portugal began in 2018 when I did a month-long placement in a medium sized city called Vila Real in the north of the country. Since 2018 the Lord has given me an increased desire to serve in Portugal. This led me to start a short term placement with ECM last year and God willing I will begin a three year mission with ECM in the same area of Portugal this September.

My short term experience has been very positive. I have been learning Portuguese, immersing myself in Portuguese culture as well as serving with different churches, children's ministries and music ministry. My short term mission has been very beneficial in helping me to adapt to Portuguese culture. It has given me enough time to get comfortable with Portugal before committing to longer term service.

I would recommend that anyone who is interested in cross-cultural mission avail themselves of a short term opportunity like this, simply to get your bearings on what life and mission is like elsewhere.

Shane McGloin, a Northern Irish Short-Termer in Portugal

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