Wild at Heart, a Testimony

News Stories (6).pngFreitag 04 August 2023 11:09

"Through this retreat God saved me and my family. I'd been living a lie that was destined to destroy my life, my family and my ministry, but God now has me on the path to recovery and restoration."

At the end of April, in the hills of Guadalajara, Spain, 67 men came together for our first ever Wild at Heart Men's Retreat, and the result was WOW!  While I could tell you about some of the aspects of the masculine soul and journey that we covered in the sessions, or some of the activities they enjoyed during free time, I think it's better to hear from some of the men themselves:

"I thought I was coming to learn more about adventure, but it turned out that God wanted to heal me deeply first."

"I thought I knew this stuff already, but God's father-heart broke through my arrogance, led me to repentance and brought me even deeper into His heart."

"Since the retreat, I've been intentionally spending at least an hour a day with my young son, and I am loving it." 

"Through this retreat God saved me and my family.  I'd been living a lie that was destined to destroy my life, my family and my ministry, but God now has me on the path to recovery and restoration."

"I don't know what you did in the retreat, but thank you, thank you, thank you--my husband isn't the same." (Thankful Wife)

We are deeply grateful for the people who have supported us financially to get this necessary ministry off the ground, as well as for the countless people who have been praying with us and for us during the past year, and especially during the intensive weekend in April--we felt the covering of prayer we had from God's friends all around the world.  God is clearly on the move to restore and strengthen men's hearts here in Spain, so please continue to pray with us and for us as we continue to seek God's direction about the next steps in this ministry.

Here's a video recap that one of our team members made...but to be honest, it's really hard to capture all that God did in words or a video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msej2pAe1y4

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