Influence right across Europe!

Jim Memory Announcement.pngDienstag 11 Januar 2022 10:30

ECM leader Jim Memory has been appointed as the new Regional Director for Lausanne Europe. We pray that this will help bless the growth of the church across Europe.

Over the past five years, ECM leader Jim Memory has been working with the Lausanne Movement as part of the Coordination Team of the Lausanne Europe 20/21 Conversation and Gathering. After consultation with the key Lausanne leaders, Jim has been appointed to be the next Regional Director for Lausanne Europe, alongside Usha Reifsnider, a British Gujarati woman who will serve as Co-Regional Director.

"I am really excited to build a diverse team that can make the most of the outcomes of the LE20/21 Conversation and Gathering and explore new collaborative possibilities for evangelising Europe", says Jim. "Both ECM and Lausanne have collaboration as core values and I think this partnership will be of benefit to each other. As we consider how to increase the number of first-culture and diaspora workers in ECM, platforms like Lausanne are essential so we can both learn and share our knowledge with others.”

“This is a very exciting opportunity for Jim,” ECM's International Director Simon Marshall comments, “and I am looking forward to seeing what effect his leadership in the European Lausanne movement will have over the coming years. This is also, I believe, a positive move for ECM as we seek to develop and build upon partnerships throughout Europe. Please join with me in praying for Jim and Christine as they step into this new role over the coming months.”

“Europe is perhaps the greatest challenge in world mission today", says Jim Memory. “Most Europeans appear to have been inoculated against the gospel by the vaccine of cultural Christianity. However, I believe the weakness of the Church is also God’s opportunity. More than ever before, European Christians are collaborating, networking, and planting churches together, and into that mix, God has brought the vitality of Christians from the Majority World."

We look forward to seeing what exciting things the Lord will bring about through Lausanne and Jim in the years ahead.

For more information about Jim and Christine, click here.

To find out more about the Lausanne Movement, click here.

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