European Christian Mission welcomes Harvey Kwiyani

Harvey+Kwiyani.jpegDienstag 07 Dezember 2021 16:05

Originally from Malawi, Harvey is the new CEO of Global Connections in the UK, one of ECM’s partner organisations, and the UK Network of World Mission.

Harvey has also joined the editorial team of Vista (which has provided relevant and insightful, research-based perspectives on the crucial issues for mission in Europe since 2010.)

Originally from Malawi, Harvey was until very recently Lecturer in African Theology at Liverpool Hope University. He has just been appointed as the CEO of Global Connections, the UK Network for World Mission, alongside leading a Masters program in African Diaspora Christianity at CMS.

He is the founder of the Missio Africanus learning community, and his latest book is Multicultural Kingdom, Ethnic Diversity Mission and the Church.

Jo Appleton from Vista (and a trustee of ECM Britain!) spoke to Harvey to find out more about his background and motivation for his work. To read this interview, follow this link.

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