Interest Groups

Interest Groups.pngMontag 27 September 2021 17:45

It's been a journey!... from seeing a need for connection and interaction on a peer level with common areas of interest, conceiving a possible solution, seeing if the idea will work in practice, a pre-launch in June and now finally to it all coming to fruition... THE INTEREST GROUPS ARE HERE!!

But, what are the Interest Groups? They are one of ECM's last initiatives!

The work of a missionary is full of joys, but it can also be a lonely path. Being far from one's culture, family and friends, while trying to shine the love of Jesus in dark places sometimes can feel like there are few people with whom to share the struggles and burdens of the ministry.

That is one of the many reasons prompting ECM to create the Interest Groups, which are designed to be flexible and interactive spaces to foster connection, fellowship, discussion, prayer... all around a given topic! A place where our workers can gather (albeit virtually!) and support each other, create common projects, pitch ideas, pray for one another and grow together in their ministries. Be it youth ministry, theological training, social action or many other topics, we pray this initiative will encourage and build ECM workers up in their ministry. 

Will you join us in prayer?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing."
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

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