Thousands to gather at Revive Europe

Revive.pngDienstag 01 September 2020 12:00

Five days of life-changing encounters with God through Bible teaching, evangelism training, fellowship and prayer for students and graduates from across Europe.

"It had begun with a dream: a vision of seeing a generation come together from every corner of Europe to pursue revival in the university world and beyond.

"United in this vision were representatives from more than 20 other Christian organisations in Europe (such as Agape, Cru, Friends International, Youth With A Mission), who partnered with IFES Europe in dreaming, planning and praying. The culmination was Revive: five days of life-changing encounters with God through Bible teaching, evangelism training, fellowship and prayer.

"'Revive' is a gathering of thousands of students and graduates from across Europe from 28 December 2020 to 2 January 2021, who stand together to ask God to move in this generation.

"We believe that the first edition of Revive 2019/2020 was just the beginning, and cannot wait to see what God is preparing for us next."

"Come, Holy Spirit, come. Revive Europe!"

For more information on Revive Europe and the conference click here.

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