
92389 km2

Mission work
ECM is active in church planting, especially in Lisbon, in the rural area of Alentejo Province, to the east of Lisbon and in evangelism and discipleship in the student city of Coimbra. We are also hoping to pursue opportunities in the Algarve and in the north of the country. ECM also makes a vital contribution to theological education through the Portuguese Bible Institute, and the Baptist Seminary, which both equip Portuguese Christians for ministry and train future leaders.

ECM longs for...
Portugal like Spain, on paper, is still strongly Roman Catholic. But in real terms it is becoming more and more secular. Many have turned their back on the church and are looking in other directions for fulfilment and meaning. Opportunities do exist, and there is an interest in general in spirituality, and an openness to the message of the Gospel when it is presented in a culturally appropriate way.

Family life is very important to the Portuguese. In our approach to church planting, we in ECM want to stress church as community and as a family, and offer support for family relationships for those facing hardships through times of economic recession.


No religiosos




Impoverished by years of dictatorship and colonial wars. Living standards and economic growth improved following its 1986 entry into the EU, but has decelerated since 2001. Portugal is positioned below the top-ranked European economies and has difficulty competing for investment with the lower economies of Asia and Eastern/Central Europe. Tourism, manufacturing and services are major components of the GDP.

The statistics are meant to give an impression, not to stigmatise. Statistics taken from "Operation World, 7th edition, 2010", see also www.operationworld.org

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