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Elena's short-term mission trip to Greece


Elena is from Hamilton, NZ, and for two years she participated and helped in children's camps and one youth camp in Piatra Neamt, in north-eastern Romania.

This year Elena went to Athens for a month where she worked with Roma children in a ministry called Petalouda, which means ‘Butterfly'.

She helped with disadvantaged kids who needed extra support and worked with a wonderful team. She helped kids over 5 years old, who will enter school for the first time in September, to hold and write with a pencil or pen for first time, e.g. to write numbers, the alphabet, or draw objects or shapes etc.

In the weekends she hung out with different groups of friends at the beach and went hiking in Athens. She was also able to joing a tour group that was going to Corinth. There was a heatwave that day and the temperature reached 42C! She had amazing team leaders who made her feel welcome and was able to do things together with their families. 

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