Silvio & Tatiana Bizzo



In April 2023, Silvio and Tatiana were challenged to work in cross-cultural church planting in Italy.

After a visit to that country, in the regions of Lombardy and Veneto, between 17 and 24 November 2023, their conviction of the call grew, and they realised the need to plant more protestant churches that faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sílvio is 53 years old and has been a Christian for 28 years. From the beginning, he was involved in urban missions among groups such as university students, motorbike riders and the deaf. He has been in pastoral ministry for 17 years and has been involved with 3 local church planting in the Federal District, as well as working at Banco do Brasil S/A for over 35 years.

Tatiana, 47, was baptised and made her public profession of faith at the age of 8. Her faith was awakened to the need for Christian service at the age of 15 when she started working with children in the church. Since her marriage, she has served with her husband in the churches where he is a pastor, coordinating activities with children, women and the elderly, and participating as a singer in the worship team. She worked at Caixa Econômica Federal for more than 20 years.

The work of church planting in Italy will take place through the preaching of the gospel, as well as baptising and teaching converts, thus forming new disciples who live for the glory of God, following the teachings of Jesus, who can reproduce it and form new disciples for the Lord, with the conviction that the natural result of the life of a disciple who makes new disciples is the expansion of the church through the multiplication of local churches.

Cross Culture Workers in Italy
País de origen

With ECM since 2024

Silvio Tatiana Bizzo

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