How long is short term?

Short term is anywhere from 1 week to 2 years. Since different ministries can use people for different lengths of time, you can use your vacation, a Gap year or spend a couple of years exploring your next steps.

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What is the process?

The journey starts with prayer. Share your thoughts with your church and get their input. To apply for short term ministry, get in contact with us using the 'Interest’ form. We’ll put you in contact with your local ECM office so they can connect with you to hear a bit more about you and your interest in missions and work out which opportunity might be a good fit for you.

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What can I do?

There are as many opportunities as people willing to serve. ECM offers short-term placements in over 25 countries, doing a variety of ministries from the initial stages of planting a church through to leadership development, using sports, teaching English, social action and much more to reach and serve communities.

You can look through the opportunities listed for some ideas about what you could do. On the other hand maybe you have a specific interest or skill set you would like to offer. Why not start the conversation by getting in touch with us using the form and we can look at what possibilities God might be opening up.

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Can I complete my university Internship or Placement with ECM?

Many universities, colleges or seminaries require students to complete practical placements or an Internship. Come use your gifts and training to serve others and obtain academic credit. You’ll get a deeper sense of the mission in Europe, and of how God might use your passion and gifts to serve him cross culturally!

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What about the costs?

The costs vary depending on where you go, and how long your stay is. None of our short term ministry positions are paid. As with all our ministry positions you would need to raise your own financial support. Building a support team is vital as they not only support you financially but also support you in prayer as you serve. We can help you develop a support team. In some specific cases, people who have found paid employment in the area can be involved in ministry teams as well, as bi-vocational missionaries.

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Do I need to speak the language?

Being a learner is often a great may to make friends and connect with people, as you are vulnerable and share with them it can lead to real conversations and deep friendships. The level of language necessary differs from ministry to ministry and place to place. But many people have come with no language and had lasting impact. You just need to be willing to learn.

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How long should I go for?

//Short - Up to 6 weeks//
Sometimes our long term missionaries can use help to meet a specific need or push a ministry forward. In a short time you can have lasting impact! Use your vacation, summer break or transition time to serve alongside long term missionaries. You’ll gain valuable first hand cross cultural experience and every short term mission experience is an opportunity to see God at work, in Europe, and in you.

//Shortish - 2 to 6 months//
Those coming for a little longer will find that over a surprisingly short time you’ll be able to share your life with others, support the local church and ministry and be an example of what it means to live for Jesus. Over several months you’ll get a deeper sense of the work, and of how God might use your passion and gifts to serve him cross culturally!

//Not so short - 7 months to 2 years//
If you are considering long term cross cultural ministry but aren’t sure where or what; 1-2 years will give you the chance to explore more deeply what God has for you in the country you are considering and develop a richer understanding of what is most needed in the situations you may serve in. You might need to continue further studies to prepare for the future, and serving short term will help inform and focus the next stage of preparations and study.

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What if I can’t go right now?

You have a heart for Mission and burden for Europe, but now isn’t the moment to go. There are lots of opportunities to get involved as a volunteer where you are.

Here are just a few:

Creatives //
We’d love to use your skills to help us sharpen our webpage, write articles, help us communicate better in all forms of media, manage our Social media, and help us share what God’s doing across Europe.

Office support //
Frequently we can use help with administration, events and lots more. There are possibilities for standby volunteers, for those who can work at our office e.g. one day per week, or even to work from home, depending on what you can offer.

Research //
Often we look for people to do research, for example as a trainee. Get in touch with us about possibilities.

Represent ECM //
We regularly represent ECM at mission events, be it at a church, at a Bible school or at a big conference. If you like meeting new people and would be willing to learn more about ECM and help us to represent ECM´s work at such occasions, then please let us know. Then, when an event is coming up, we will ask you about your availability.

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Is it worth it?

YES. If you want to talk to someone more about global mission, get in touch with us. We’d love to hear how God is leading you and pray with you.

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