Revival in the Balkans

Plantación de Iglesias
Atención SanitariaComunidades MisionalesEvangelismoMinisterio a InmigrantesMinisterios de Compasión

There is a dire spiritual situation in Bosnia and Croatia: churches are sparse, evangelical believers are few, and apathy to the gospel reigns. There are less than ten thousand evangelical Christians in Croatia and less than five hundred in Bosnia! Some church leaders and churches really want to make a difference and start more churches but often their resources are low. Many feel it will take up to fifty years to see new churches develop in their areas. That is too long for the 8 million people in Bosnia and Croatia to wait.

ECM wants to encourage visionary local leaders and churches in their aspirations to plant new churches and to reach the lost in their areas. Three key zones have been identified where local leaders and Christians are ready to begin now.

"Revival in the Balkans" exists to help them strategically, encourage them to do their part, and where they need extra resources, to come alongside them to help get the job done. As the Lord brings fruit, we are praying for other “cluster church planting zones” to open up and develop throughout Bosnia and Croatia.

Will you join with God’s people who are already working there? Will you help?


  • Mobilize a National Board of visionary leaders and pastors to envision, strategize and manage this vital initiative. 
  • Agree local strategies with churches that will result in a radical acceleration of church planting in these three zones. 
  • Recruit Brazilian and Ukrainian short-termers to provide a vibrant Christian presence alongside the national Christians. 
  • Provide ongoing training for those involved. 
  • Identify potential new growth zones.

Read more about the project and have a look at photo's and video's on the website 'Revival in the Balkans'

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