ECM International

Address: City Works, Gloucester, GL1 4DF 

European Christian Mission International is an international and interdenominational organisation, founded in 1904, and comprising evangelical Christians called by God and commissioned by local churches to serve in partnership in the evangelisation of the peoples of Europe. 

We are currently working in 22 countries of Europe, with around 200 workers and partners from 20 countries around the world serving with us. Our ministries extend beyond these areas through radio, literature, and technology initiatives. We operate in partnership with supporting churches, like-minded organisations and local denominations.

We welcome Christians from mainstream evangelical denominations into our family of workers and partners.

The primary objective of ECM International is to plant churches in Europe. We are committed to planting and developing churches and imparting to them the vision to multiply in the local community, nationally and internationally.

We encourage various ministries as a support for our church planting focus. In each country or area we seek to respond to the specific needs that exist.

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