Gina Borg

Malta has a pride in her rich traditional heritage, especially as Paul's Acts 28 shipwreck location! Contrasts between contemporary European life and cultural religious identity mean there’s an ease about God conversations and a desperate need to biblically define what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Gina serves Jesus in Malta. Together with her children she works with the local church in music ministry, evangelism and combined Christian events as she serves in leadership as a founding member of the Nisa Kristjani f’Malta (Christian Women in Malta). Join the family in prayer as they enter a season of transition. They are trusting God in major decisions regarding adult children and family dynamics and are discerning his will in long term service. Pray he shows each one how to best glorify Jesus and seek his kingdom first.
Cross Culture Worker in Malta
Country of origin

With ECM since 2016

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