Ionel & Simona Morariu

Otilia-Eliza, Eric-Matei

Ionel and Simona have been part of the New Hope Romania ministry team for several years. In 2023, they became members of ECMI-USA as part of Ionel’s transition to serve as New Hope Romania’s next Field Director, beginning in 2024.

Currently, New Hope operates a significant publishing operation to equip churches and ministry leaders in Romania with commentaries and other key resources. Ionel will coordinate the publishing process, including fostering relationships with publishing houses and donors. Ionel and Simona have a vision for expanding New Hope Romania’s reach into other strategic avenues of Kingdom advancement.

As you read this, we invite you to pray for the Morarius and for the impact of New Hope throughout Romania. If you would like to participate with Ionel and Simona, please use the orange donation link.

First Culture Workers in Romania
Country of origin

With ECM since 2023

Morariu - Ionel & Simona Morariu

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