Bring Synergetic Communion to the Denominations

Missionary church development
Ministry Type:
Church DevelopmentTheological and Ministry Training

Two ECMI missionaries, together with a Brazilian pastor, have written a book to encourage a new generation of pastors and church leaders to be bold and to work together with their brethren across denominational barriers. That way they will not repeat the mistakes so many other have made in Christendom. The book is extremely practical and is based on the authors’ experiences of church leadership in Brazil, Portugal, Albania, and Great Britain.

The book is already available in Portuguese, and the desire is to translate and edit the book into English, see as to distribute it to a wider audience. This will cost about €2,500, with the aim to publish the book in Spring 2023. You can partner with this project to help equip and enable present and future generations of Christian leaders to benefit from fellowship in the Great Commission, and to seriously warn them about the negative consequences of individualism in ministry.

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