Accelerating Church Planting Globally

Missionary church development
Ministry Type:
Church DevelopmentPioneer Church Planting

ECMI has for the past 40 years been a pioneer in developing the concepts of best-practice for European church planting. The Mission’s long-term commitment to grass-roots church planting together with its non-denominational character is giving it a unique opportunity to be a credible voice in the developing of national church planting platforms. The fact that at least 20 European nations are in the process of developing a national church planting process is evidence that God is doing something unique in this decade in the area of church planting. By giving to this project you can help ECM develop National Church Planting Platforms and accelerate the multiplication of new churches. The long-term impact will be a substantial increase in the number of disciples and Churches all across Europe.

The total we hope to raise through ECM is: €10,000 each year

Use the donate button on this page to donate to ECM International or click on the country below to donate to this project through your local ECM office: Australia/New Zealand - Brazil Britain France  Ireland The Netherlands - Spain USA

Two of the partners that we are working with to accelerate church planting in Europe are  NC2P and La Plaza.

NC2P: European National church planting process

La Plaza: Spain church planting process

  • A collaborative evangelistic outreach of three churches in a small village in Spain. A collaborative evangelistic outreach of three churches in a small village in Spain.
  • ECM Spain missionary, Carlos Fumero, leading a session at Discipleshift. ECM Spain missionary, Carlos Fumero, leading a session at Discipleshift.
  • A meeting of the leaders of the National Platform for Church Planting in Spain, "La Plaza". A meeting of the leaders of the National Platform for Church Planting in Spain, "La Plaza".
  • Exponential Regional gathering in Spain. Promoting church planting through disciple making. Exponential Regional gathering in Spain. Promoting church planting through disciple making.

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